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Janel Patterson

Get Safe Academy: The Cure for Your Holiday Tech Hangover

So your kids got devices for the holidays. Bet they got really quiet all of the sudden. Are they tucked into a sofa corner or a corner of their rooms with their thumbs flying? Are you relishing the peace, yet a bit worried about what they’re doing? We’ve got your back, parents.

Frienedy and Safe in the City have teamed up to create Get Safe Academy, where the mission is to empower parents to keep kids safe in this virtual social world we live in! The first course in Get Safe Academy is called the Triple S Course for Parents (Safety, Self Defense & Social Media 101), and it will be available beginning later this month. You can click on the link HERE for early access to a free ebook entitled, “You Got This,” and to gain access to the first 3 courses which are free.

What is Get Safe Academy?

Get Safe Academy’s courses are unique, offering the combined expertise and knowledge of two moms with very different professional backgrounds. Heather Ryan spent 14 years as a special agent with the NCIS before turning in her gun and badge to create Safe in the City, where she teaches self defense, physical and online safety courses to women of all ages. Janel Patterson is the CEO and co-founder of, the first private group networking application suitable for users of all ages. Both are passionate about teaching parents how to keeps their families safe- both physically and online- as well as how to coach their kids to build a positive online presence that will impress colleges and future employers.

Do you know how child predators think? Who they target? Typical things kids do on social media that can lead the bad guy right to the front door? How about your sixth sense? You know you have one--but how do you identify it and harness it to keep you safe? How do you teach your children how to do the same?

Or, how about all of the social media apps that seem to pop up daily? Seriously, another one?! How you do you stay on top of what’s important to know about these apps as a parent let alone how your kids are using them and what risks they may pose? What about colleges and future employers? How can you help your kids build an online presence that will impress recruiters and scholarship committees?

Is your heading spinning yet? Hello?! You’re a busy parent. And there is a LOT of new information, new apps, new risks and new bad guys. It’s impossible to stay on top of it all in an efficient, yet effective manner. Who has the time?! If this sounds familiar, this course is for you.

Did we forget to mention...

Oh, and, there is a very cool special guest in one of the Triple S Course for Parent videos- a former CIA paramilitary operator who teaches basic self defense tactics we ALL should know (but most of us don’t). He’s a serious tough guy, and a dad with 2 young children. He shares Heather’s and Janel’s passion for empowering parents to keep their families out of the bad guys’ cross hairs.

After all, we are the first generation of parents learning to navigate our way through raising children in this digital world. The world wasn’t digital when we were growing up, so who do WE call when we have questions OUR parents can’t answer? Get Safe Academy is designed to empower parents of the digital generation.

Pursuant to a degree in International Business from Illinois Wesleyan University and a 20-year career in corporate sales and management, Janel chose to leave the corporate world behind to create after a personal experience with social media. She set out on a mission to create a safe, COPPA compliant, site that would accomplish two objectives: give parents a way to introduce their children to social media on their terms in a safe place, and create a whole new way to help families, classrooms, sports teams, and groups of all types connect and collaborate privately in a single application. Janel and her team launched in April 2015.

Janel is also the founder of the parenting blog,, which is dedicated to providing information that empowers parents to raise kids who are smart and savvy about their digital presence



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