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The Good & The Dad: 12 Great Daddy Bloggers

Cynthia Lieberman,

It used to be a good man was hard to find, and a daddy blogger was even harder! Well move over mom, there’s a new dad in town. The good news is that dad news is more available now than ever, thanks to savvy and entertaining daddy bloggers. Today’s new crop of dads are banding together online and swapping tales of their own unique parenting perspectives on topics such as, “How To Organize The Perfect Birthday Party, Daddy-Style,” “Surviving the 5 levels of Dirty Diapers,” and what to do when a “Daughter’s Hygiene Presents a Hairy Situation for Dad.

With the comraderie of social networking and humor available to entertain and inform, there are

many worthwhile sites cropping up, like Dads4Change and CityDadsGroup, that bond dads and families together to support important causes and create positive change.

Here’s what we consider to be the best of the best, in no particular order, of daddy bloggers who are destroying the myth that husbands/dads are useless at childcare and household chores.


The Good Dad Project is a CyberWise favorite. This thoughtful site centers around fathers who

share a set of family values that matter. Their mission is to help dads become the best, strongest, and happiest version of themselves so that they can help guide their kids to the best version of their own selves too. Don’ miss out on their amazing podcasts, including one of their most recent, “Five Ways to Make Sure Your Family Stays Connected.” @gooddadprojct

Life of Dad is right in step with the topics and concerns of today’s modern father with articles such as, “How Can I Get In Shape and Look Great?,” “Creating Quality Time on a Budget,” and “Tips for Raising Quiet Kids.” Dig deeper and dads can connect with other dads, start a blog and explore articles, podcasts, videos, and photos provided by their users. @LifeofDadShow

This is more of a “how-not-to” entertainment website for parents than a “how to” destination. Follow Andy Herald (@andyherald) and Charlie Capen (@charliecapen), two sleep-deprived friends with nothing left to lose but their sanity, as they learn to be dads and try to look smart doing so. They’re not experts, but they like to pretend to be. @HowToBeADad

Father John Willey is a stay at home dad who loves it, even if he's not in charge. A popular blog and for good reason, as it genuinely reflects the fund he’s having raising two young boys. It is entertaining and thoughtful. @DaddysinCharge

Adrian Kulp, is the primary caregiver for his three children, all younger than 6. At first it was tough for him to transition from being executive to all-dad-all-the-time, but he has seen firsthand a shift in perceptions. "The face of fatherhood is changing, and I think it's for the better," says Kulp, whose site covers everything from cooking to DIY tips to getting in trouble around the house with his family. @dad_or_alive

Every Thing For Dads is a “unique modern news media website” featuring free media, resources and discussion about modern parenting from 21st dentury dads’ POV's. We are particularly fond of this site’s Google+ page, but its blend of interactive content on all its platforms go from serious and political news, to funny and entertaining, making it a one-stop-shop not just for dads, but moms too! @everythingfordads

Stay-at-home dad blogger, chronicling the fun and games of a geek father, his fangirl daughter, and their ongoing struggle against pinkification. A creative and hilarious favorite. And whatever you do, please don't call her a princess. Or a tomboy. @ManVsPink

8. (“Bringing Back Paternity”)

Dad Labs is a funny and informative site for expecting, new, and veteran dads and the women who tolerate and/or love them. @DadLabs

Useful, thoughtful and funny, Daddy Geek is many things; an insight into the life of a tech obsessed father, a parenting guide, a men's lifestyle blog and review site all rolled into one. @DaddyGeeks

Life of Dad is a social network for dads, where they can connect with a worldwide community of dads and others to read blogs, watch videos, listen to podcasts, ask advice and share and connect about anything and everything related to the adventures. @lifeofdad

This is a dad blog that talks about parenthood from a father’s view, marriage, products for children, and has viewpoint on news & sports, plus a discount code, giveaway, or raffle from time

to time. @dadarocks

You'll find 17 Aussie Daddy Bloggers all under the umbrella of one impressive site for dads seeking parenting advice! @daddy_bloggers

Honorable Mentions:

  • YouDaMan Facebook Page: Their website is temporarily down but their Facebook page and sense of humor is not! A great place to promote, inspire, educate, motivate men to do better or continue to do great things for their families, friends, strangers and especially their children.

  • SwaggerDad: Always in style Real SwaggerDad, Danny “Moya” Reyes started SwaggerDad to help other young fathers balance the responsibility and joy of raising their kids with the importance of living fly and fresh. Just because you’re a Dad, doesn’t mean you can’t have Swag! @SWAGGERDAD

  • Macho Spouse: Macho Spouse posts blogs for “civilian male military spouses and stay-at-home-dads” and is chocked full of links to resources, blog posts, and articles to help them out. Additional resources can be found at The National At-Home Dad Network. @MachoSpouse @HomeDadNet


Cynthia Lieberman is co-Founder, and owner of Lieberman Communications, a content marketing and PR consultancy firm for Fortune 500 companies. She has graduate degree in Media Psychology and Social Change, serves on the Board of Directors for the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE), and teaches Social Media Marketing at UCLA Extension.

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