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Jeni Rogers, TrustRadius

How To Keep Your Private Information Safe: A Parent's Guide To the Cloud

internet security

Remember when your biggest tech worry was successfully setting the VCR clock? Fast forward to today, realizing that your children are growing up with the world literally at their fingertips thanks to innovations and conveniences of the Internet, it can prompt you to wonder how to protect them when you’re not around.

The Internet evolves quickly, and what used to be a channel of quick communications has turned into an endless wealth of information, opportunity, and connection. With cloud technology, data is not only stored, but transformed into an interactive experience. However, while the cloud is convenient and beneficial in many different capacities, it also presents a unique issue as well: security.

With credit bureaus and online social giants like Facebook battling data infiltrations, you’re probably wondering, “How can I protect my children and keep our family’s private information safe in the cloud?”

This guide will share the key ways you can keep your private information safe and teach your children how to stay safely enjoy apps, games, and online social interactions.

Secure Your WiFi Network

Protecting yourself online begins at the source. You should make sure that you have your home WiFi network secured with a strong passcode. This is a step many people miss or skip, but it’s an important part of keeping your private information and your family safe online. If a hacker is able to access any program or device in your household, they can also worm into anything else connected to your network.

Protect With Strong Passwords (And Change Them Frequently)

Strong passwords are a must on every cloud program, game, or social network that your family accesses. Your passwords should be complex, and you should ensure that your tweens and teens do not use their name, birthdate, pet name, or other personal information as even a part of their password. They’ll be tempted to do this (as may you) because these passwords are easy to remember. But, they’re also easy to guess or hack. Make sure you update your passwords frequently, and never use the same one across multiple accounts or programs.

Talk to Your Children About Appropriate Online Behavior (And Monitor It)

Your children have grown up with the Internet, and they may even be savvier than you are in many instances. However, your intuition and guidance is paramount in keeping your family and all your private information safe by talking to your kids about how to appropriately behave online. Talk to your children about dangers that can be lurking online and remind them often that they should behave online with the same good morals and precautions as they would in real life situations. You should also monitor your children’s online accounts and behavior as well. If you know what cloud storage providers they are accessing, you can show them how to look for dangers and keep your private information safe.

Warn Children About Everything “Too Good to be True”

Many malicious online attacks are veiled as giveaways or other offers that are just a little too good to be true. Warn your children about these types of offers so they know how to avoid the temptation and keep themselves and your information secure from falsely well-intentioned scams.

bank fraud

Keep an Eye on Your Online Bank Accounts and Credit Report

Finally, keep a close eye on your online banking accounts and monitor your credit. Often times, this is the first place you’ll notice a breech in the form of fraudulent charges or misinformation on your credit report.

Jeni Rogers is a researcher and regular contributor to TrustRadius, where she shares her knowledge of the latest trends in B2B news and software.

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