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Effects Of Social Media On Children

Brookelyn Simms

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Social media platforms are lifesavers for those who want to stay connected with their friends and relatives. They can communicate with and learn by simply opening an app or a website.

But, as happens with many things that people are passionate about, social networking has its drawbacks. Many studies claim that social media can have negative impacts on the minds of children and teenagers. And that the harm may be long-term and irreversible. On the other hand, social media can boost their social connections while training their brains to adapt to new technology.

Social media is a continually changing platform. It allows young people to engage with one another, express themselves, and exchange interesting content. It has produced a new cultural paradigm that impacts technology and industry while changing how people interact. Social media is a double-edged sword. It has many advantages, but it can also be hazardous to children.

How Social Media Affects Children

Users must be at least 13 years old to use most social media apps. But, according to recent research, 50 percent of children aged 10 to 12, and 33 percent of children aged 7 to 9, use social networking apps.

Suppose your child is already using social media or has expressed an interest in doing so. In that case, it's vital to help them learn about the internet and its context. Impose what restrictions you feel might be necessary, and be sure to teach them about how social media isn't always an honest portrayal of everyone else's life.

The Good

  • The younger generation needs to spend time online to develop the technical abilities they will need to navigate the future. It enables kids to be capable citizens in the digital age, and to take part in society and learn the social skills of their generation. They'll also likely collect an internet network of friends and acquaintances.

  • Youth are utilizing social media in unimagined ways. Aside from socialization, it's also a new way to express themselves creatively and connect and learn with a larger audience. Students are using it to build study groups in which they may share thoughts and learning material.

  • The way children learn has also changed due to social networking. It has implemented a peer-based learning approach. They engage with one another and provide feedback, refining their learning process. They are also more eager to learn from one another than adults. Learning can now come from various places other than their parents and teachers.

  • Social media is not only a tool for communication. It is also a crucial element of teenagers' and young adults' lives. It allows students to stay in touch with their friends from sports teams, activity clubs, and classes and network with people who share their interests.

  • People that use social media are more sympathetic, considerate, and relationship-oriented. They express their emotions by commenting on or liking photos, videos, and status updates their pals share. They also wish more people on their birthdays than ever before.

  • Social media helps young people connect with individuals worldwide. It exposes them to cultures and ideas they might not otherwise encounter. It allows students to meet a more profound knowledge of life and people in general.

  • Children might use social media to open up and gain confidence via the internet. Many young people find it simpler to chat with them in person. It also helps students interact with individuals worldwide. It teaches them about foreign cultures, food, music, and other topics.

  • Children can also impact their community and contribute to constructive change. Fundraising campaigns and participation in political events and debates are two examples.

  • Many teenagers enjoy keeping up with current events. Social media has become a vital tool for providing concise and relevant information. It broadens their general knowledge and keeps up with current events worldwide.

  • Young people can use social media to interact with others with similar interests. It might be anything involving music, art, games, or blogs as hobbies or professions.

The Bad

  • Social media affects young people's subjective well-being. Teens can experience "Facebook depression" due to spending too much time on it or other social networking sites. Some people grow depressed when they see that their friends' lives are better than theirs. So, vulnerable teenagers are more susceptible to this than their confident peers. It negatively impacts their mood and instills in them a sense of defeat.

  • The most well-known disadvantage of social media is that it can lead to addiction. Checking the news feeds of various social networking sites becomes addictive behavior. Experts believe that elements like "likes'' and "shares" engage the brain's reward center. This reward circuitry is susceptible during adolescence. These characteristics also have an impact on our moods. We value engagement and connection as social creatures. And both of these factors influence how we perceive ourselves. It influences our day-to-day behavior.

  • Young people addicted to social media spend hours each day watching videos, images, and other stuff on the accounts they follow. It can distract from other activities, such as schoolwork, athletics, study, and valuable habits. They waste a significant amount of time each day, which can result in low academic performance.

  • Screen relationships can also harm children and teenagers' real-life connections and social skills. Kids need to learn how to read nonverbal signs and facial movements as they grow up. Social connection is essential for acquiring the skills needed to understand the moods and feelings of others. People who spend most of their time on social media may lack empathy and become bad verbal and nonverbal communicators.

  • Social media worsens their obsession with themselves and their constant sharing of updates and selfies on social media. They measure confidence by how well their images receive "likes" on social media. And they can become anxious if they do not receive the attention they expect. Some children may believe that everything revolves around them as a result.

  • With the introduction of camera phones, selfies became quite popular. Selfie addicts scale buildings or pose with dangerous animals. They take photos with weapons or stand too close to moving transportation, resulting in fatalities. Teens engage in risky behavior when participating in mass social media challenges. They might engage in irrational or dangerous behaviors while filming themselves.

  • Cyber criminality and cyberbullying are two other risks we face when using social networking sites. Bullying is easier to perpetrate on social media platforms. It takes the shape of threatening messages or subtle posts with objectionable content addressed to a specific person. Predatory individuals who aim to harm younger children may stalk them.

  • Offensive, obscene, and violent content is freely available on social media. It can negatively mold their minds or cause children to become psychologically disturbed. It influences other aspects of their lives, such as education, personal relationships, etc.


As a parent, it is your responsibility to ensure that your child spends meaningful time on social media platforms. Keep track of the websites your child visits. Teach them about the benefits and drawbacks of social networking.

We hope you now have a better understanding of the effects of social media on youngsters. So, let's make social media a pleasant, educational, and exciting experience for our kids.

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